5 Factors of video viewability [infographic]

Posted by Rebecca Appleton on 20 Apr, 2016
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Video marketing is a hot topic in marketing offices the world over, fueled by the huge popularity of YouTube and the need to reach consumers in ways that best suit their consumption habits.

As a result, video advertising is an increasingly tempting prospect for those looking to ramp up ROI and find effective new ways of prospecting leads.

As Google explains, “Similar to what’s happening in display advertising, there’s a shift underway from served to viewable impressions for video ads. By transacting only on videos that are viewable, advertisers can ensure that their ads are seen, and as a result, they can enhance their return on investment (ROI).”

With this shift comes the option to pay for viewable impressions, rather than served impressions. A video ad is defined as being viewable when at least 50% of its pixels are viewable on screen for at least two seconds. With only 54% of ads currently considered viewable, many advertisers are missing out on user eyeballs.

This Google infographic looks at five factors of video viewability – each of these points can help your video adverts to gain more exposure and perform better, especially if you’re navigating video ads for the first time. Getting these basics right, and understanding what makes an ad viewable, will set you up for much smoother sailing when you set up a YouTube ad campaign or purchase video ads on other websites. Following these pointers also means that you should see a greater return from any time and money invested in video marketing. 



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