New Google metrics for product rich results in Search, top signals for bidding in Ads

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 25 Nov, 2019
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Two new reports show how your product rich results perform in Search, and the top signals driving conversions in Ads.

Google product rich results.

Product rich results in Search

Google has announced the addition of new metrics in the Search Console Performance report which will show data for product rich results on Google Search.

Rich results typically show more product information, such as description, price, availability and ratings.

The new metrics in Search Console will show clicks and impressions and can be segmented further by device, geography and queries. It will give webmasters insight into how well their products are performing in these rich results.

You find the report in Search Console by clicking on Search Appearance and then Product Results.

product rich results

Source: Google

The new data will be helpful to webmasters in analysing performance and areas for improvement, providing information on, for example, how much traffic comes from displaying rich data like price or availability.

Top bidding signals to inform your bid strategies

Google Ads is starting to show the top signals driving conversions, giving advertisers more transparency for their bidding strategies.

Top signals may include, but are not limited to:

  • Device type
  • Location
  • Day of week
  • Time of day
  • Keywords

The report might also include combinations of different signals.

Google top signals.

Source: Google

Signals in green are more likely to convert, signals in red less so.

This information can be used by webmasters to make changes which will benefit their bidding strategies, optimizing bids for maximum conversions. For example, the shot above shows weekends and US locations are are better in this particular case.

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