Google Ads Explanations for performance changes

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 11 Dec, 2019
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Google’s new Explanations will help advertisers understand what’s driving performance changes.

Google Explanations.

Google has introduced a new feature called Explanations to help advertisers quickly diagnose changes in their Ads account performance.

Rather than having to look at multiple reports, you’ll be able to click on “See Explanations” to see the most likely reasons behind impression, click and cost fluctuations.

Google Ads Explanations.

Google Ads Explanations.

  • Explanations is currently available for manual CPC or eCPC Search campaigns
  • Explanations can compare two time periods of equal length within the last 90 days
  • Explanations may only show for campaigns with significant performance changes 

The feature makes it easier to discover the reasons behind performance changes with a few clicks and in one place, you just need to compare two date ranges.

Google says you’ll get “a more accurate and comprehensive view to diagnose possible reasons for changes in your campaign or ad group's performance”.

The Explanations feature is currently available for Clicks, Cost, and Impressions only. It's currently in beta and Google says it will continue to expand its functionality in the coming months.

To see more about Explanations, including details of how to access in your account, go to the Google Ads help centre.

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