Using technology advantages to build connections

Posted by Dixon Jones on 17 Apr, 2013
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Dixon Jones of Majestic SEO explains how technology helps attract very important links and visitors, and an invaluable service to customers at the same time. From the Wordtracker blog.

Majestic SEO supplies link intelligence to Wordtracker.

I work at Majestic.

And Majestic are constantly developing and innovating, which gives us a great reason to generate the most fantastic content – because every functionality enhancement helps to solve a problem that users have.

We have a carefully constructed protocol when announcing new functionality that helps us get news to both our customers and also those people that might have passed us up on a previous look at our technology.

While we publish on our blog details on “might have been/might soon be,” potential customers are unlikely to see our blog without some connection to us through another source.

This source does not always have to be a guest post. By leveraging our own technology, we generate thousands of potential new customers every month through our Chrome and Firefox addons.

This post is about the marketing power of using technology to increase your touch points with prospects while at the same time improving the functionality of your services for existing users.

The content

Every link building campaign starts with content. The Majestic SEO Chrome Extension and the Firefox backlinks analyzer add-on take Majestic’s data to where the USER is. These tools bring Majestic’s powerful functionality straight into the user’s browser.

The star on this Firefox browser reveals a wealth of information about the URL (or webpage) that the user is looking at:

Majestic SEO Firefox backlinks analyzer

The Trust Flow value of the URL: This is Majestic’s most advanced metric about the strength of a URL. Represented as a number between 0 and 100 it gives the user a strong indication about how respectable the URL is.

The Trust Flow of the subdomain and root domains: Often, sites can be respectable, but the content within them may not all be trustworthy. Sites such as Mashable are particularly strong at the domain level, because so many people link to stories on the site, which in turn link to the home page.

Yet some stories attract no external links: Mashable’s home page is unlikely to link to these unpopular inner stories for very long meaning that that URL is virtually orphaned. Seeing Trust Flow metrics at URL and Domain level helps a user understand this relationship.

Citation Flow Metrics: In addition to Trust metrics, we include “Citation Flow” metrics. Instead of giving an indication of the trustworthiness of the page or site, this metric tells you the Link Equity over many link iterations on the web.

Citation Flow can be higher or lower than Trust Flow. Where it is markedly higher, then there is a flag suggesting that the links may not be naturally occurring. The links may be due to a widget or other technology that creates links, but not necessarily those that user can see or use.

Link and referring domain counts: These numbers show the total count of links that we see in our database. They give some indication of the scale of a site – but raw counts are not always as insightful as Flow Metrics because they are only counts of links from other pages (or domains) to the page the user looks at.

The raw count does not take into account the strength of pages several links away from the URL. Flow Metrics do – making them incredibly powerful.

The hook

The marketing hook is that the extensions are free to install. Once in the browser, they are instantly useful and constantly remind users of the Majestic brand. However, you will always get more value from these extensions if you connect a live Majestic account. You are reminded of this as you click the tabs in the extension: and we make it easy for users to connect existing Majestic accounts or sign up to new accounts.

The link

The great advantage of creating these extensions and add-ons is that Majestic not only gets a link from a Google and a Mozilla property, but also a chance to optimize a listing in these indexes. Here is the link to Majestic SEO on the Chrome Store:

Backlink analyzer

The legitimacy of Firefox’s store is even stronger, as every add-on has to pass a manual code check to ensure it isn't malicious.

The truth

These links are not created solely for SEO benefit.

These extensions are a genuine way of adding value for our customers and in the process we open our business to a wider audience. Visitors to the Chrome Store or the Mozilla store search to find a solution to a problem they're facing.

You provide a solution – and the search engines will reward you.

You can see exactly how much they reward you, because both Chrome and Firefox provide you with stats on how many users have your technology installed on their browsers. For every one, you have a constant reminder going out to them that you have more to offer them.

More problems you can solve.

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